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10 Tips for Improving Building Security

by Eagles


In an ever-changing world where threats to personal and organizational safety are increasingly complex, building security can’t be an afterthought. It’s not just about locking the doors at night; it’s about creating a holistic strategy that includes everyone from the janitor to the CEO, as well as the physical and digital infrastructure. Below are ten tips to significantly enhance the security of your building.

1. Conduct a Risk Assessment

Before implementing security measures, you must understand what you’re up against. Work with security experts to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment. Identify all potential threats and vulnerabilities—physical, digital, and human—and prioritize them based on impact and likelihood.

2. Control Access Points

Limit the number of entrances to your building to as few as reasonably possible. Use electronic access control systems that require ID badges, key fobs, or biometric verification to ensure that only authorized persons can enter.

3. Install High-Quality Surveillance Cameras

Invest in modern CCTV systems with capabilities like high-definition recording, night vision, and remote monitoring. This not only helps in real-time surveillance but is also crucial for post-incident investigations.

4. Strengthen Physical Barriers

Upgrade doors, windows, and other physical structures to make unauthorized entry as difficult as possible. This could mean using reinforced doors, shatterproof glass, or even bulletproof materials in certain high-risk areas.

5. Monitor Digital Threats

Physical security is just one piece of the puzzle; digital threats can be just as damaging. Invest in firewalls, antivirus software, and other cybersecurity measures. Regularly update all software to defend against newly identified threats.

6. Train Staff

Everyone should know basic security protocols, from how to spot suspicious activity to what action they should take in various emergency scenarios. This empowers your entire team to act as a collective security system.

7. Establish a Visitor Management System

All visitors should be logged and screened upon arrival. Implement a system that tracks who enters and leaves the building, who they are visiting, and how long they stay. This data can be invaluable in an investigation.

8. Use a Multi-Layered Security Approach

Combine different types of security measures—physical barriers, surveillance, and digital security—to create a multi-layered defense strategy. The more hurdles you place between potential intruders and their target, the more secure your building will be.

9. Regularly Review and Update Security Protocols

Security is not a one-time action but an ongoing process. It requires regular reviews and updates to adapt to emerging threats. Make it a point to audit your security measures at least once a year.

10. Work with Local Law Enforcement

Establishing a good relationship with local law enforcement agencies can offer additional protection and faster response times during emergencies. Provide them with access to your building plans and security protocols to streamline any potential investigations or emergency responses.

By taking these steps, you’ll not only make your building more secure but also create an environment in which everyone—employees, visitors, and stakeholders—can feel safe and focused. Remember, security is not just about preventing bad things from happening; it’s about enabling good things to happen by removing the worry and distraction that come from feeling vulnerable.

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